Sunday, November 6, 2011

Magazine Addicts Anonymous

So although it's been a month since I've posted, and a while since I was on TFS (The Fashion Spot), I've still indulged in my magazine collecting. No worries, that addiction is not being kicked any time soon. It is just that I have been so busy at school and at work, I actually have two jobs and I will be possibly adding a third. Talk about being overworked, but hey, magazine spending money does not just appear out of nowhere.
In my last post, I mentioned that I had put some of my Vogue Collections issues on ebay. They actually did not sell, as I only had them at a fixed price listing, to guarentee that they would not sell for a low price. Looking back, I did pay a bit too much for some of the issues that I have, so I would rather hold onto them instead of selling them for a lot less than what I paid for them originally.
So I will be popping up every now and then on TFS and here on the blog, just to say hi until the school semester ends. I still have to finish my application for fashion school. Needless to say I will be busy, so hopefully you stay busy too.

September's Love Child